Thursday, June 2, 2016

Summer Shenanigans

Summer is in full force! What plans do you have for your at grade landscaping and rooftops? Do you have a regular maintenance program established for your green roof?  Are you in the installation phase of construction and in need of overburden products?

AD Greenroof has been engaging in these questions and projects hard core this year! We have also been busy creating relationships starting with lunch and learns to professional firms.  Please contact me if you'd like one for your office! We can provide AIA and ASLA learning units.

Good news on the speaker engagement, front, too! I will be presenting on storm water management of intensive green roofs over the next few months.  Take a look at our website for the upcoming conferences and register if you're interested!

I got a chance to get a penthouse view of the Target Center in Minneapolis recently. Check out the roof from this angle:

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What to do on a warmer than normal spring day?

It's 70F today in Minneapolis, MN. (Date stamp: March 8!)

Over the winter, I had much time to network, work on designs, and build the maintenance programs for the year. However, today I took an extended lunch out on a patio without wearing a jacket, soaking up the sun with a colleague. We all deserve a little extra vitamin D!

Earlier this spring, we planned an event to join regional environmental organizations in a discussion on green roofs. Yes, cocktails will be served in an informal charrette style meeting! Join us for the free tour and event on March 24 in St Paul.